Frenstar Valves

Air Vacuum Valves

Frenstar’s dedicated factory provides Air Vacuum Valves to the finest quality.

Our UK manufactured Air Valves are tailored for the global oil & gas, petrochemical and marine sectors. The materials available are industry compliant and offer outstanding protection for severe offshore environments and seawater service. We use UK foundries that are NorsokM-650 approved and any raw materials are from within the UK / EU.

  • Single function (Air Release)
  • Bi functional (Vent & Vacuum)
  • Tri functional (Combination)

Valves are customisable with options such as a variable throttle device to give adjustable venting control, inflow and outflow check device for one-way airflow and flanged outlet for piping away facility.

frenstar air vacuum valve
CAD drawing of a Frenstar air vacuum valve
cross section of a Frenstar air vacuum valve
Size Range
DN25mm – DN150mm
Manufacturing Standard
Pressure Class
0.4 – 20 bar
Temperature Range
-10°C to +60°C

Why use air valves?

Air release valves are used in pressurised pipe work systems to vent off unwanted air within them. Trapped air rises and collects within the high points of the system. As air vented water fills the valve, the float rises until the valve seat is pushed back against the orifice closing it off from atmosphere again.